Nov 21, 2009

Caiden 9 Months

So I know that I have been a slacker lately, I am sorry!!!! Caiden turned 9 months on the 14Th.(wow does time FLY!!!!) We happened to be doing Family Pictures that day and we snapped some of Caiden. So we went to the doctors and here are the status
Weight 19.2 lbs *-* 30%
Height 26.7 inches *-* 80%
Caiden has two bottom teeth and his top two are coming in. He is so close to crawling he gets up on all 4's and rock's back and forth.
We also went to the Kidney Doctor as well. The left kidney is gone which is what they told me was going to happen. The right kidney is at 95% which is good growing big to compensates for not having the left one.
It was so much fun!!!!We are so please to have a healthy and happy baby !!


Natalie and Nathan said...

Oh my goodness. I just about died with that picture of him...he is such a stud! I love the sweater and the slant smile.

Janalyn and Rob said...

He is quite the cutie!